German National Academic Foundation

The Studienstiftung awards scholarships to intellectually outstanding students at universities and other institutions of higher education. The selection of students is based on their academic abilities, initiative and sense of social responsibility. The Studienstiftung currently supports ca. 6000 students, i.e. less than 0.3% of the current student population in Germany.
As an incorporated organisation, the Studienstiftung is funded by the Federal Government of Germany, the German Federal States and local authorities, and by more than 6000 private donors. The Studienstiftung awards about 1500 scholarships annually.
In its position as Germany's largest sponsor of the most talented students, the Studienstiftung puts strong emphasis on equal opportunity in the selection process. It operates independently of political and religious beliefs.
The award programmes of the Studienstiftung assist and complement the academic education of students by developing key qualifications for the forthcoming professional activity as well as social competence.
The Patron of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes is the President of the Federal Republic of Germany.