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Welcome to the Bonn Region - A Base for Science and Technology

The Bonn Region has a well established tradition of hosting world-class research and science institutions and has constantly been expanded in the last decade.

Together with the science and research institutions located in this region, the City of Bonn, the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis and the Kreis Ahrweiler form the Bonn Region – a base for Science and Technology.

"Institutions" introduces various organisations and institutions of this region such as universities and universities of applied sciences, research institutions and centres or organisations for the communication, promotion and funding of sciences, and gives a brief portrait as well as contact details for further information and enquiries.

"ScienceTransfer" lists contacts for general enquiries or questions on cooperations between the scientific world and companies and on funding options for start-ups and spin-offs.

Follow the link "ScienceNews" to get up to date reports on research projects and their latest news and information of the Bonn Region.

"Events" will inform you on upcoming events organised by various science- and research institutions in the Bonn Region.